Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Halloween Countdown: Birdcage Graveyard

So I picked up a small birdcage at Michael’s, not really knowing what I was going to do with it.  I thought maybe I’d do something for the 13 Days Swap, but didn’t have a definite plan.  I played with a few things, but didn’t really like anything, so I set it aside for a bit.  Then it hit me, my partner loves miniatures, so I thought I’d create a little scene in the birdcage.   A spooky little graveyard in fact.

I started by creating a little tombstone out of polymer clay, because well—it’s not a graveyard without a tombstone right?  Then I just built up around the tombstone, adding a little bottle brush tree that I added a beaded garland to, some moss and then some little jewels thinking perhaps this is a pirate’s grave or a witch’s grave.  I also added a moon-shaped button along the back and added a bird charm to the top so it hangs down into the scene a bit.

I thought it still needed a little something, so I added a wooden candlestick to the bottom as a decorative base.  I painted it black, added a little ribbon and a button to dress it up a bit.  Then I added a little pom-pom fringe along the outside of the cage.  I think it’s a darling little scene and again I had a hard time shipping it out.

Making this, I really see the appeal of miniatures.  It was very fun creating this little scene, thinking of what to add to make a little story.  So maybe I’ll be making more small things in the future!

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