Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jar of Mini Whimsies Swap Part 1

My latest swap was the jar of mini whimsies. Don't know what a whimsy is? I didn't either until I got on Craftster. A whimsy is basically a small item like a toy, button, charm, a bit of ribbon, game pieces etc. The whimsies are then collected and put into a jar and shipped out to you partner! My partner was mamaphunk from Missourri. She sent me some awesome whimsies, alot of vintage items and cute plastic charms. Here's my jar chock full of whimsies.

Everything all dumped out and sorta sorted.

Some close-ups. Mah-jong tiles ( I think), shells, metal flowers, plastic bowling pin.

Plastic charms including skates, boots, whistes, tooth holders, mini roulette wheel, hotdog, plane.

Some blinging rings.

I love these charms. They say "I'M IN THE DOG HOUSE." Way to cute.

Wonderful felted and beaded balls made by my partner. I want to learn how to do this! They are gorgeous and will make a great necklace or bracelet.

Some of my favorite items though I love everything! A graduate cake topper, plastic girl possibly also a cake topper, the mini roulette wheel, an old compass, plastic charms including the hotdog, flamingo cupcake topper. This was a fun swap and I began looking at things differently. I found myself saying--I could put that in the whimsy jar! So fun.

Just realized that Maggie is totally chowing down in the background. hee hee

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